Tuesday, July 19, 2011

23. Life-given & taken .... Strange game indeed!

Life, I see all around
One day, snatched away from us
Why at all is it given

Giver of life, ofcourse not a fool
To give it to us, to take it away
Life breathed in us all
Rests back with a 'hope'
A hope that a few may taste it

To taste life has He given to us
None to blame if one tastes not while alive
As rules pervade, He takes it one day
But leaves us not from tasting

Plans to pack us in bodies different
With the same hope, indeed
Persistent gets He with His game
Before death-bells ring
Let's fulfill His one small hope & leave

22. The lovely cosmic play..

It existed, all Alone by itself
Filling Its Formless essence
A pure Being-ness was all It was
Struck upon a decision, sudden...

To enjoy Its essence in forms !

Mountains rose, rivers flowed
Creepers flowered, birds flew
Stood the animals, talked the humans

The play ground now all set;
It played & still plays on :)

21. Real-ize your Real eyes !

This visual display around
A treat indeed for our eyes..
Blink quick do we, with greed
To catch more & more of this display

Eyes kept wide open while awake
Engulfing & enjoying virtually
As the day ends, eyes get tired
Close in, reluctantly to sleep
While asleep, too do we see
This same virtual treat, as dreams !

Day & night, eyes see indeed
Only but through the MIND
Constantly coveting, judging & possessing..
all that is seen !
Surpassing sensitivity, gratitude & fascination
for the life seen around

Real-ize your real-eyes lie deep
Deep inside your dear HEART
Try looking once through your real eyes
For it sees the same world differently
What is seen is not just seen, it is Felt..

These eyes know not Noise
But knows honesty, innocence & simplicity
Leading to sensitivity & awe..

Life & death are felt deeper
For these eyes know they never shall die
These real-eyes know only but Love
And love knows no fear & foe
Possessing nothing seen along
It just sees, touches, loves & moves on