Saturday, August 7, 2010

9: Your landing here...

Unconscious my be our landing
Reasons pondered over; in vain
Assumed a form, clueless why!

Serious gets our life
Pulls and pushes of life taken hard
with every little endeavor draining
Forgetting to catch the thread,
To celebrate life have we landed

Eyes have we, only but to see the Ultimate
Ears have we, only but to hear Her call
Tongue have we, only but to utter Her praises
Hands have we, to work for Her
Entire body down we brought
Only for experiencing the Ultimat

8: The Eyes of my Intimate

Waves of darkness spilt all over
At once assumed a form, human's..!?
Leading my way; She opened my eyes
Only to look into Her eyes

She held my hand, i held Hers
Shows me all around, far and near
Experssing Her grandeur every moment
To immerse me inspired with awe

Eyes of my Intimate
Eyes of the Existence
Eye-to-eye watching Her,
stuns me more as never imagined

She flies as a fly, blooms like a lily
Twittering as a sun-bird
Journeys me in and out,
of a weaver bird's castle

Endless getting this endeavor
Tirelessly opening up vividly
In the micro world and in the macro space

Stay open, for the intimate awaits on;
To widen one's frame of sight
Only to discover the freshness, the novelty
Of my intimate one, the Existence

7: Do u know something?

Power to see, love and laugh
All a result of us being ALIVE
Taking it for granted
Tiring all our senses, maximum

Birthright, a thing frequently claimed,
with fervor and arrogance…
Our very birth itself not being our right
Where’z the question of birthright?

Life’s a lottery
A pure grace from the Ultimate
Let’s accept with humility
What’s being showered continuously.

Our wants know no end
Never do we stop by and think;
‘I’m contented, I’m so grateful…’
Our minds trained to think thus;
‘Let me gather more, My friend has more…’

Time has come to rewire our thoughts
Software of our minds needing updation
Journeying to our inner depths in Silence, patiently
Is the one and only key, friend…

Monday, August 2, 2010

6: The Call of the White kingdoms

At a slight tilt of head, in skies open
None can afford to miss
The cottony castles;
with Water & Air crowned as King & Queen

Free to form their own form
With boundaries undefined wildly
On an errand to convey
Something, but nothing!

Gently smiling their way
With silver strings binding them
Mere dialogue of the 2
Brings down rain-pour
Ah! perceive their harmony

Having entered their kingdom, by sight mere
Leaves one in awe forever

5: by Chance or by Choice..

A tender breeze of love sweeping through
not knowing who's on its way

Some souls choose to bump in
Some others bump in by chance

Either way, both are touched
by its tenderness and power

By choice or by chance
both are soaked by the waves of Love...

Now, its purely one's choice
To stay on or step out...